Aug 15, 2008

Writers Write...

Sean Connery's character William Forrester in the 2000 film "Finding Forrester" gives some practical advice to writing. " thinking - that comes later. You must write your first draft with your heart. You rewrite with your head. The first key to writing is... to write, not to think!"

I'll say it again, writers write. (Any of my friends reading this blog are thinking to themself... Yes, Chad, but are you practicing what you are preaching? as they roll their eyes. I'll admit I write as much as I eat my green vegtables.)

For now, I claim both my theories on writer's block.
So, lately I've been working on writing prompts. In fact, a literary agent by the name of Rachelle Gardner just put out a 300 word writing prompt story contest. I plan to submit my story. Here is a previous contest and my submission - I didn't win, but from those who read it - they seemed to like it.


In the meantime, I'm collecting words and phrases as I hear them that I would like to put into my book - so while writing it - if I get stuck, I can look at my list, pick on and continue on.

Don't you find if you get stuck and stop, it takes forever to start again?

This is probably how and why it took me 3 years to write Left Standing during the course of 4-5 very long writing sessions when I had my bursts of inspiration.

Writers write. In fact, there is a domain for it:

Readers/Writers: Do you find yourself talking about writing more than writing itself? What technigues do you use to keep on keeping on?

Writers Bookstore:
Authors' books on writing

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