May 4, 2009

Writers Procrastinate Still

Author Tosca Lee talks about procrastination in her blog, so I thought I'd add my 2 cents.

The difference between Tosca & I is that she is working on her 3rd book and I'm still on my 2nd book.

I believe it all comes down to focus.

When you focus on writing, you can do it.
If you are under a deadline, you can do it.

If you have a week to write something, you wait to the last minute.
I couldn't even tell you how long I've been working/avoiding/procrastinating on my second book.

Do you find that you write better at that point or do you simply find that you know you can complete the task if there is a deadline?

My problem is focus. I have a many side projects - from websites, to a side business, to searching for a job, to cleaning house, to a never-ending list of tasks.

I'm always putting writing off, yet it is the one thing I want to be doing.

There is the old mantra, "Why Do Today What You Can Put Off Until Tomorrow"

1 comment:

Theresa Cyr said...

I know exactly what you mean about putting things off. I may not be an author of any books, but I have been wanting to write for as long as I can remember. I've always done my best work when I've been given a task and a deadline. My creativity flourishes when I'm structured. Independent work doesn't work well for me. Aside from my desire to work, I do have a life as well. I teach, so there's planning and correcting, and I have a family, so there's housework and school sports as well as birthdays and such. I can't help but remember the adage, "Life happens."