Words can have a powerful affect on people - both positive & negative. Just as we can visually picture an event, we hear in our heads the voice and the words that someone spoke to us.
Literary Agent, Rachelle Gardner writes about "The Power of Words" in her blog.
Some people are more natural with verbal, others are more natural with written. When talking to someone, 'words' seem to clash in my head quickly and I never seem to be able to say exactly what I want to say.
My vocabulary is vast, but I still find myself visiting dictionary.com from time to time. I should buy one of those word-a-day calendars or many word-a-day sites.
As a writer, I want to imagine someone reading something I've written; jotting it down and passing it on. I like to imagine something I write resonating with them. Something I write that causes them to stop and ponder my words.
The preface to my book Left Standing touches on using words to affect others.
Leave a comment talking about a time you said something to someone or vice versa and the affect that had on either of you.
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