Jan 5, 2010

Between the Lines

The book title, Between the Lines by Jessica Page Morrell gets me thinking about a line in "Finding Forrester" when Sean Connery's character William Forrester says, "People have been talking about my book for years, but they really haven't said anything."

The character Jamal Wallace replied to the affect of, "some critics were wondering what you were really trying to say."

Sure, sometimes writers have various reasons for writing certain things. Maybe a message to someone that would read that book and only that person would get it.

But a good talented writer would be able to say exactly what they want to say.

Many have said the Bible is open for interpretation and have gotten good at trying to read between the lines and craft scripture to fit their needs.

If a reader reads into something the author never intended, then so be it. To out think every sentence so no one would take it differently is simply exhausting.

What do you think about how some people try and read too much into an author's writings?

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