Jul 27, 2010

A place to write

(not something I created, but something I'd check out)
CAMP is a dream realized through creative friends, late night pancake runs, Double Dead Guys, supportive parents, great friendships and a passion to give back to Omaha.

We wanted a collaborative place to work surrounded by inspirational people.
A day at the office for us includes relaxing on a comfy couch with a laptop. Good coffee, a muffin from a local bakery, and maybe even a beer. And being motivated and inspired by all of the productivity, fun, and camaraderie surrounding us. We never want to miss a day.

We tend to work harder when we are surrounded by people who are also on task. There are fewer distractions and we feel motivated by the productive atmosphere. But unlike working at home or in a coffee shop the downtime is also more productive—side conversations become collaborations, distractions become fun new inside jokes, and getting up to stretch becomes riding a razor scooter down the hallway.


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