Nov 28, 2008

Time to Write...

The recent issue of The Writer has a special 7-page section called How to find Time to Write.

I've heard of authors who set their alarm for 5am and write before getting ready for their 8-5, other writers write solely on the weekends, while other writers write late at night while most of the world is sleeping.

When do you write?

My first problem is that I only sit down to write when inspired. I'm not inspired as much as I wish, so I don't write that much - but writers write. So, I should get to it.

I'm not much of an early morning riser, I'd rather hit the snooze button than pick up a pen (laptop)... late nights usually involve checking email, working on a website, or watching a movie. Of course during the day I'm at my full-time job.

That leaves the weekend to write, but isn't there always something to do on weekends? (yeah, housecleaning - you are right).

Comment and leave some 'best-practices' when it comes to finding time to write.

How do you balance life & writing?

Writers Boookstore:
Finding time to write


Anonymous said...

I'm a late night writer. I do my business by day then write till the screen is blurry. Is it the best way to write? Who knows... but most of my inspiration comes from real life which is experienced during the day only to be flushed out into words at night.

Anonymous said...

I'm a late night writer. I do my business by day then write till the screen is blurry. Is it the best way to write? Who knows... but most of my inspiration comes from real life which is experienced during the day only to be flushed out into words at night.